2010.01.30 土曜日


my room



  1. SECRET: 0
    PASS: 74be16979710d4c4e7c6647856088456

  2. SECRET: 0
    PASS: 0337c99bdee72e878eeb1f045d08601d

  3. That’s a morkeblead-r. Great thinking!

  4. Such an impressive answer! You’ve beaten us all with that!

  5. Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.

  6. Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.

  7. Como que me estoy poniendo al día, y voy de adelante para atrás… Que bueno que esté escribiendo más seguido, y ahora sea con temas más variados y con esa redacción característica que la deja a una con ganas de seguir leyendo. Y creo que la magia la da el hecho de que aunque no en todo, sí en algo, cualquier latinoamericano, no digamos guatemalteco, nos hemos de de sentir identificados.:)

  8. There was an interesting anecdote about this subject matter posted on another blog (it was a while ago, and I can’t remember for the life of me which one it was).The anecdote was (not verbatim):“I was listening to a celebrated economics professor give a talk about his theory of economic growth. One member of the audience asked how his theory was relevant to the current crisis and recession. The old professor snapped back: ‘I’m not interested in commenting on the latest residual’.”I’ve no idea whether that was apochryal or not, but I’ve thought it insightful to the thinking of some economists.

  9. Har du vaknat upp ur idet ännu Kul med en björn utställning, alla i olika skepnader. En trevlig och lite udda idé. Skulle hemskt gärna se några björnar även här på Malta. Här börjar det också kännas att sommaren är slut för denna gång. Ser fram emot 21 december. Då vänder det. Eller så går världen under som Mayaindianerna förutspått. Men det tror vi väl inte på Ha det gott i kylan

  10. Get it right… The socks came from the World’s Most Softest Socks… The Walmart stuff was soap since I can’t handle that lye soap that Chris gives me… Not buying this “if it’s good enough for Mike.. It’s good enough for you”…Next thing it will probably be a spoon instead of toilet paper… Us Texans need our creature comforts.. Just say Charmin…

  11. OoO I agree! It would be sad if ING falls out of the top ten. Josie if David’s friends don’t mention his song by release date I feel we can tweet them! Where are the fans? I know people are on vacation but I’m sure they can find time to leave comments at ology. Wonder if Kari would join David up? That would give him lots of points. She did tweet about the contest….

  12. October 30, 2009Your blog is great and something to be proud of. One day Tom will tell you that too. If you ever do bring it to a close, print a copy of every page and put it in a book for him.

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