2009.05.28 木曜日


his back, originally uploaded by ixao_AGP.






  1. Back in school, I’m doing so much legnrina.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot.

  3. Mayra Silva comentou em 11 de novembro de 2011 às 07:59. Bom dia Júlia! Mandei um e-mail para a Pretty-Pieces, perguntando porque eles não estavam mais entregando para o Brazil. Eles não explicavam o porquê, mas disseram que vão adicionar o Brasil novamente! Ebaaaaa! Bjs

  4. Many thanks for an amazing publish, may read your particular others posts. thank you your thinking on this, I soon became a lttle bit made an impact to by this article. Thanks again! You earn a good time. Has wonderful data here. I believe if more people thought of it doing this, they’d possess a better time period receive the hold ofing the matter.

  5. Yay, knickers (as we call them in the States). Just the other day I was wondering why people didn't wear them anymore and lo and behold, there you are looking glorious in them. I had my mother make me a maroon corduroy pair with a matching waistcoat for my first day of school in 1970 (I think). So glad that you are getting use out of that blouse! (and thanks for the link up). I hope you had a great time at the opening.

  6. 5 mars 2009 tomtom ; évidemment que l’inceste est interdit, et le viol également. Et nulle part l’éveque a souligné qu’il défendait le violeur. Il défend ce qu’il considère être la vie.ca n’est pas du tout un soutien au viol qu’il a entrepris hein.

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