2009.05.31 日曜日


shinjuku night, originally uploaded by ixao_AGP.






  1. Right on-iths helped me sort things right out.

  2. Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.

  3. Hola,Gracias por el video Pablo.Podría poner también en enlace de la página de sombreros si hace el favor, me gustaría conocerla.Yo no conocía Gay Talese, menudo estilo que tiene el señor, los trajes le quedan perfectos según mi gusto. El que lleva puesto en el video de los sombreros es precioso, incluyendo la corbata y la camisa, bueno y los sombreros jeje.un cordial saludo para todos.

  4. Iara Scello disse:eu fiz as unhas de pelucia rosinha claro, e não gostei muito.. a pelúcia suja no dia a dia e depois fica encardida.. não sei se é a qualidade do produto, mas as clarinhas eu não gostei.tenho esse azul escuro tbm, vou testar com ele, amei suas unhas!beijinhos..

  5. 280I used ‘staged’ in the broad sense of “contrived for a desired impression.” Parker wasn’t objectively covering the news but rather participating in it, apparently with enough foresight to set up cameras in advance.

  6. Hi Susan,Can’t beat common sense or hard work can you. I wonder if the noise is actually leading to people putting their fingers in their ears and ignoring even good advice.

  7. I love your Instagram photos, Carla! (I can’t seem to get the hang of it.) I think the Plage is so great, chaos and all. Terrific links and will certainly enjoy them. Hope your week is gorgeous and that your trip to Italy is more magical than you can imagine. xo

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